About Me:
I’m fortunate that I’m now able to look back at the highs and lows of my life and describe the journey as interesting. Early on, I thought I was just under-confident, maybe shy, but from doing my own work I learned so much more about what contributed to my difficulties. By doing this work I’ve come to appreciate how helpful the process of therapy is.
My work in the Arctic some years ago had a big impact on me. I was struck by the ability of individuals to continue moving toward their goals despite what seemed, at times, some very difficult circumstances. These were such strong examples of resiliency! I also developed a much greater appreciation for connecting with nature and being away from the “trappings” of civilization to enhance healing.
I feel very connected to nature and am regenerated by spending time outside whether working in the garden, hiking or a day at the beach. One of my future goals is to have the appropriate space for sessions outdoors.
I was also drawn to psychotherapy from my experience in Adult Education and meeting individuals who were taking risks to try something new and move beyond what wasn’t working anymore. I have practised in two London area post-secondary education institutions.
I completed my psychotherapy training at University of Western Ontario, Master of Education (Counselling Psychology). My earlier formal education was an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Education from Windsor University.
In April of 2015 I became a Registered Psychotherapist(RP) with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (#001854).
For more information visit: www.CRPO.ca